Journey to Zen: Embracing Intuitive Understanding
When I resided in Katy, TX, I frequented the Katy Mills Mall, often stopping at a calendar shop for my yearly Zen calendar. On one such visit years ago, the shopkeeper posed a simple yet profound question: “What is Zen?”
To my surprise, I found myself at a loss for words. Despite years of studying Zen, I struggled to articulate its essence. This experience echoed a similar moment during an advanced Physics course when I grappled with defining something as fundamental as “charge.”
Reflecting on this now, I understand why I faltered. Zen defies verbal description; it is rooted in intuitive understanding rather than logic or language. Like gazing at the stars on a clear night, Zen evokes a sense of connection and serenity that transcends explanation.
Derived from zazen, meaning meditation, Zen is based on the belief that all sentient beings possess an innate Buddha nature that can be realized through self-knowledge and meditation.
Zen serves as a tool for enlightenment, akin to a raft guiding one across a turbulent river. Yet, upon reaching the other shore—the state of enlightenment—the raft becomes unnecessary.
As the Zen saying goes, “It’s not what you think it is. And neither is it otherwise.” Originating in 6th-century China and later flourishing in Japan, Zen Buddhism emphasizes intuitive understanding over intellectual comprehension. It has deeply influenced Japanese culture, permeating realms such as art, tea ceremonies, and military strategy.
Zen aims to foster innate enlightenment, known as Satori, through practices like meditation and contemplation of koans—cryptic riddles designed to provoke insight. Rather than focusing solely on Nirvana as the abandonment of desires, Zen prioritizes the intuitive experience of Satori, transcending the limitations of words and concepts.
In essence, Zen beckons us to embrace the profound wisdom that lies beyond language and intellect, inviting us to discover enlightenment through the depths of our own being.
In the words of Alan Watts – Zen is like a spring coming out of a mountain. It doesn’t flow in order to quench the thirst of a traveler, but if the travelers want to help themselves to it, that’s fine. It’s up to you what you do with the water; the spring’s job is just to flow.